gordon d
JoinedTopics Started by gordon d
The TRUE source of FDS enlightenment
by gordon d inthis recent article in the watchtower caught my attention.. where could such spiritual enlightenment come from?.
are we most likely in the last days?
without a doubt, the signs point to yes.
Suggestions for "The Internet" defense ... roadblock?
by gordon d inwanderer reminded me of an answer that i frequently get when confronting dubs with information obtained through the internet.
even if it's a scan of a wts publication, the typical dub seems to be well schooled in refusing to give any credibilty to anything that comes from a website other than watchtower.org.
has anyone had any luck finding more "credible" sources for info?
Bumper Stickers for the Board
by gordon d inwe have some creative and funny people here on jwd... any thoughts on good bumper sticker ideas?.
i'll go first....... .
NEWS---JW's are now telemarketing--True Story
by gordon d inmy uncle ( a very sweet man) is practically confined to a wheelchair... in recent years he has developed a renued emphasis on all things jdubery.
because of his poor health, he has a phone ministry from his home in the texas panhandle.
there are even a few other witnesses that have joined him in this.
A NEW thread for ALL Atheistic ex-dubs---
by gordon d inmy first post since being reinstated (not jw but on the board) .
i think that mean people are not very nice... .
that hypocrites should consider that they might be behaving foolishly... .
--- A Question for ALL Atheistic ex-Dubs----
by gordon d inwhich child is wiser?
while starting a hunt for easter eggs one child runs to a big tree and finds nothing then that childs brother says, go look under that rock i promise youll find one there!
the child throws down their basket and says, i give up!
A Very Proud Grandpa showin' off! ---Pics----
by gordon d inour little princess turned one year old today!!!.
..... just wanted to share a photo of our pagan ritual with all my new friends.
plus, since i'm always the one behind the camera, there are very few pics of me.. ----- of course, my dad couldn't come.... after the invitation was sent, i didn't even bring it up.... it just breaks my heart!.
Sneak Peek at the Revised "New World Translation"!!!
by gordon d ini was lucky enough to have a friend at bethel sneak me an early release copy of the new, revised edition of the new world translation that is scheduled for release at next springs district conventions.
obviously, i havent been able to read all of it yet but i did glance through it and found some of the subtle changes that the fds has seen as important revisions.
here are some of the more notable ones in our new bible: .
What Witnesses do better than anybody!
by gordon d inthe one thing that i have to say about the wts is that they crank out some of the best apostates anywhere!.
i've only been here a few weeks but i am already so addicted to this forum.... the people here are unbelievable!.
probably a mix of the most knowledgeable, helpful, compassionate, and open-minded people anywhere on the net.. the way everyone jumps in to offer their support when someone else is feeling down or hurting, the resources of information that are there for the asking, and the non-judgemental attitudes that people convey, even when they dis-agree..... it boggles the mind... how, in the world, did any of you ever attend the kh?????.
What scriptures will you NEVER hear a Witness use?
by gordon d inwhat scripture will probably never be read in the kh or quoted in the watchtower?
for obvious reasons!
i'll start with honesty's contribution: .